Discussing Sustainability with the Tofino Clayoquot Heritage Museum
The Tofino Clayoquot Heritage Museum provides a glimpse into many different facets of historical life on the coast. Since its humble beginnings, a variety of local artifacts have been donated to the grassroots organization, which now make up the incredible exhibit on display at the museum’s present Main Street location. Attendees can find information on Cougar Annie, Nuu-chah-nulth culture, the War of the Woods, some of the region’s sunken ships, and so much more. No matter your interest, the museum is sure to wow!
Photos of the Tofino Clayoquot Heritage Museum's exhibit and artifacts. Credit: Tayo Hayward.
This winter, the museum has begun investigating its role as an organization in helping achieve the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. For those who don’t know, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs for short, were created as a core element of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that was adopted in 2015 by all United Nations Member States. The aim of the SDGs is to provide a blueprint for achieving peace and prosperity throughout the world. The goals recognize the need for deep social sustainability work alongside environmental action to achieve this and include objectives to end poverty, reduce inequalities, and universalize quality education. The West Coast NEST has worked frequently to promote the SDGs in the Clayoquot Sound Biosphere Region, you can explore this work through the links provided at the bottom of the page.
Photo of the United Nation's 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
This initiative has helped expand people’s understanding of sustainability beyond that of solely an environmental lens. Every individual, business, organization, and government is capable of contributing to a more sustainable future in one way or another, and the Tofino Clayoquot Heritage Museum has set out to discover and highlight its role in the global effort.
Guided by a Curating Tomorrow document, the Tofino Clayoquot Heritage Museum has launched its Sustainability Series. The series consists of several blog posts, each diving into a new SDG and the ways in which the museum’s work aligns with its relevant targets. One such goal is #11: Sustainable Communities and Cities, and more specifically Target #4 which calls for the preservation of cultural and natural heritage. The museum is certainly up for the task! Culture and history are incredibly important and binding elements for a community and its visitors. They help maintain a strong society, build trust, and create meaningful connections to the land, connections which motivate citizens to then protect it.
Photo of the museum's Sustainability Series blog posts.
You can learn more about these important connections by reading the four existing Sustainability Series posts on the museum’s website today. Stay up to date with future entries by following their social media platforms, and look for announcements for an upcoming exhibit on Stubbs Island!
Special thank you to Alexia from the Tofino Clayoquot Heritage Museum for creating the Sustainability Series and for sitting down with the NEST to discuss it.
West Coast NEST SDG-related events & activities:
Sustainable Development in the Clayoquot Biosphere Region
Nature, Education, Tourism: Towards Sustainable Tourism StoryMap
The SDGs, Systems Thinking & Circular Economy: The SDG Bootcamp