Yoga History & Philosophy 100hr - October 2025

This course from Tofino Yoga is a module where yoga teachers and yoga enthusiasts will explore, practice, and live through the principles of the 8 limbs of yoga.


October 24 - November 01, 2025


Tofino Yoga



This course from Tofino Yoga is a module where yoga teachers and yoga enthusiasts will explore, practice, and live through the principles of the 8 limbs of yoga.

Come prepare to explore and rekindle your relationship with the Yamas & Niyamas, as a living practice. Additionally, the group will dive into the worlds of Ayurveda, chakras, and subtle body.

Furthermore, mantras and kirtan will be part of this enriching module. Dede Monette, Dawn Batenchuk, Jane Good, and Ricardo Allen will be teaching this module.

Tofino Yoga looks forward to welcoming you to this YACEP- Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Program. These hours are eligible towards the 300hr Yoga Alliance certification, granted that all 3/100hr modules are complete within the Tofino Yoga School.

Course fee:

Tuition Only: $1599 Tuition & Accommodation: $2199 (including GST)

How to register:

Learn more and register with the link below!