SKGABC Level 3 Guide Workshop (Clayoquot Sound) - April 2024

This course is designed as a short and intense review of the skills and knowledge expected of a Level 3 Guide.


April 05 - 07, 2024




Box 727
Ucluelet, British Columbia


The Level 3 Guide Workshop is intended for Level 2 Guides or Assistant Overnight Guides preparing for their Level 3 Exam or as an early season refresher for Level 3 Guides. We’ll work through a wide range of paddling, safety, and leadership skills, review how to record and predict the weather, calculate more complex tides and currents, and navigate using a range of tools and techniques. We’ll provide each candidate with a detailed assessment and a recommendation whether or not to challenge the SKGABC Level 3 exam.

This course is designed and taught by SKGABC Examiners and Guide Trainers.

Strong candidates also have the option of achieving Paddle Canada Level-2 Skills.

Skill Level - Advanced

Click here to view their Cancellation Policy



SKGABC AOG or SKGABC Level 2 Guide.

Course fee:


How to register:

Register through the link below!