BC Aboriginal Child Care Society Early Years Training - November 2017

Join the BC Aboriginal Child Care Society for a two-part training session including an introduction to program evaluation - exploring ways to determine whether a program is doing what it aims to do, and understanding anxiety - learning how fear impacts behaviour.


November 18 - 19, 2017


Coastal Family Resources Coalition


Kirsten Bevelander


Coastal Family Place
265 1st Street. Tofino


Join Coastal Family Resources Coalition as they host Kirsten Bevelander, a Provincial Child Care Advisor for the BC Aboriginal Child Care Society for a two-part workshop. Kirsten offers early childhood development training workshops throughout BC, designed to help parents, volunteers, early childhood educators and other staff members enhance the services they provide for Aboriginal children and families.

There is no cost to participate, however space is limited and preregistration is required. Register through Eventbrite to let the organizers know you are coming.

The workshop will be held at the Coastal Family Place in Tofino.

Day 1 - Saturday, November 18th  9:30am - 3:30pm. Lunch and snacks will be provided.

Day 2 - Sunday, November 19th. 9:30am - 12:30pm. Snacks will be provided.

Introduction to Program Evaluation
Program evaluation is a tool used to measure whether a program is doing what it aims to do. It is not a test, but an opportunity to improve and build on the existing program and to showcase our strengths. Through a combination of lecture presentation, small group work and hands-on activities, this workshop outlines the basics of program evaluation and discusses issues such as: why we would want to evaluate our programs, what areas or aspects of our programs might we choose to evaluate, and how do we choose the methods and approaches that are best suited to our particular program? Workshop participants will also be invited to look at some tools and strategies currently used for program evaluation in Aboriginal early childhood settings, and will be provided with reference materials and handouts to take back to their programs.

Understanding Anxiety: Learning How Fear Impacts Behaviour
Anxiety is a deceptive disability that masks the true feelings and motivations of individuals. Children’s real or perceived fears will often show up in challenging forms of behaviour. If we as caregivers react to these behaviours we only cement the underlying anxiety and end up increasing the overall problem. In this interactive workshop we will explore: how anxiety sometimes looks in children, how to see beyond the surface behaviour, and how to understand the underlying fears. We will discuss strategies that support all children in reducing anxiety and learning to take appropriate risks.

Course fee:


How to register:

Registration through Eventbrite is required.

If you are have any questions or can only make one day of the training, please contact the event coordinator Faye Missar at faye@clayoquotbiosphere.org .