20 hour Wilderness and Remote First-Aid with CPR-C- March 2019

This fun and interactive 20-hour wilderness first-aid course is a must for anyone working or playing in the wilderness more than an hour away from medical aid.


February 08 - 10, 2019


T'ashii Paddle School


Box 542
Tofino, BC


This course includes trip planning and preparation, adult, child and infant CPR (Level ‘C’), obstructed airway procedures, artificial respiration, use of an Automated External Defibrillator, prevention of disease transmission, and wound management. Recognition and first-aid treatment for drowning/partial drowning, heart attack and stroke, allergic reactions and anaphylactic shock, hypothermia, heat stroke, bone, muscle and joint injuries, poisons, burns, diabetic emergencies, head and spine injuries, evacuation, transportation, and extended care will also be covered.

This course may be full, check with T'ashii to be sure, as more courses may be added. 

Course fee:

$269 +tax

How to register:

T: 250-266-3787 
Toll Free: 1-855-883-3787