Ever wanted to see your world change for the better, but not sure where to start? Join Clayoquot Action for their Doing Democracy FREE workshop series and get the opportunity to learn essential tools for change-makers!
This series of free workshops will take the mystery out of change-making, by examining the patterns of social movements around the world. You are welcome to join any or all of the series.
Clayoquot Action will present one tool per workshop, followed by a discussion of how you can apply them. These workshops will be extremely useful to anyone working for social change, whether by helping people, animals, or Nature.
Presenter Dan Lewis has 35 years of advocacy experience. These are the tools he uses daily.
Spectrum of Allies - Workshop #3
It’s easy to think in black and white, and to divide your world into ‘us and them’. The real world is a bit more complicated—people defending the status quo may have the best of intentions, or may actually be onside with your movement’s goals, even though they work for the status quo. This session will help you to understand how to move people towards supporting your goals, even if they are on the other side of an issue.
Photo credit: Clayoquot Action