North Chesterman Beach Tofino West Coast NEST

Fall 2023

October 5, 2023

After a busy summer full of amazing learning opportunities, we hope you are enjoying the first few weeks of fall! For some, fall evokes the smell of crisp leaves on the ground, for others, it brings up memories of warm home-cooked meals and the comfort of a hot drink by a crackling fire. At the West Coast NEST, fall means the return of our popular Fibre Art retreat and many other fun learning opportunities. What will these months have in store for you? There are many great courses and events on the horizon and we hope you can join us! 

Youth Interpretation Skills Workshop Cox Bay Beach West Coast NEST
Join us on October 20th (Pro-D Day) for our FREE Interpretation Skills Workshop Part 1 & 2! Led by experienced interpreters Carl Sieber and Silva Johansson, youth (grades 9-12) will have the opportunity to develop their interpretation and communications skills inspired by their interests and passions. This workshop is FREE (includes snacks, lunch, and transportation if required). Register by Monday, October 16th with the link below! Those living in the Clayoquot Biosphere Region will have priority.
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We are currently getting everything ready to offer the Interpretive Specialist Course (with certification) on the West Coast this winter! If you are a guide or are interested in working in this fascinating field, this course is for you. During this 16-hour hands-on course from the Interpretive Guides Association, you will workshop your way through developing an interpretive program that can be used while you guide. Stay tuned for more details!
Interpretive Guides Association
Interpretive Specialist Course Tofino West Coast NEST
Fibre Art Retreat Ucluelet West Coast NEST
We’ve been talking about it all summer and it’s finally (almost) here: the 2023 West Coast Fibre Art Retreat! This three-day workshop led by local and visiting artists will take place at Black Rock Oceanfront Resort and will be an opportunity for art enthusiasts from different regions to meet and get creative while learning together. The event is currently sold out, but please reach out to if you would like to be added to our notification list.
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Harvest Celebration Event Tofino Community Food Initiative
Join the Tofino Community Food Initiative for their Harvest Celebration event!
This fun event will be a great opportunity to learn about gardening with the Tofino Community Food Initiative as well as about electric fencing with WildSafeBC. Don't miss these garden and electric fencing demos led by local experts! There will also be family-friendly activities, food & drinks, live music, and more!
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Doing Democracy Workshop Tofino Clayoquot Action
Take part in Clayoquot Action's Doing Democracy Workshops!
Ever wanted to see your world change for the better, but not sure where to start? Join Clayoquot Action for their Doing Democracy FREE workshop series and get the opportunity to learn from Dan Lewis! You are welcome to join any or all of the series. Don't miss Spectrum of Allies (workshop #3) coming up on October 25th or Beautiful Trouble (workshop #4) on November 8th!
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Beautiful view of a forest on the West Coast of Vancouver Island
Walk in the Ceramic Salmon Forest with Redd Fish Restoration Society!
Led by Redd Fish Restoration Society, enjoy a mystical walk on the Wild Pacific Trail and witness ceramic salmon handcrafted by youth come to life in the forest. Whether you're an art enthusiast or simply curious, this event promises to be a splash of inspiration. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to witness the fusion of nature and art!
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Youth Interpretation Skills Workshop Tofino West Coast NEST
After the success of our first Interpretation Skills Workshop hosted last January, we are now offering an expanded version for youth (grades 9-12) on October 20th (Pro-D Day). This is an opportunity for youth to get introduced to a fascinating field and potential career path, but also develop their communication skills which is a valuable ability to have in all walks of life! With the support of experienced interpreters, participants will explore different subjects through fun activities guided by their own interests and passions. To learn more, make sure to read about our January workshop below!